Aahad Saroya

Physical Therapy Settings

Physical Therapy Settings

Where We Work We would like to highlight the different settings a physical therapist can work. At this time, all physical therapist are required to obtain their doctorate degree. Once graduated, we...

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Upper Cross Syndrome

Upper Cross Syndrome

What is it? Upper cross syndrome is a term used when people present with poor posture. The head comes forward, the shoulders are rounded forward and there is typically a complaint of pain or...

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Direct Access

Direct Access

What is it? Direct access is a law about the requirement for referrals to attend physical therapy. Prior to this law, you would need to obtain a referral from your primary care physician before...

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To Fix It or Ignore It?

To Fix It or Ignore It?

Everyone has experienced pain to some level, whether that being an acute injury or from chronic overuse. In many cases, we are conditioned to “wait and see how it goes”. This can be traced back to...

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